The so-called Baby Botox is a new application technique that will create a naturally youthful appearance. The term “Baby botox” originated in the USA when actresses who were to be cast in film roles had faces without facial expressions and could not portray the desired emotions. Treating wrinkles with this method means applying lower doses of botulinum toxin to the selected areas. Treatment with botulinum toxin is one of the safest methods in the prevention of aging. Moreover, it ranks among the most effective methods to smoothing mimic wrinkles.

The result is a natural, youthful appearance of the face without wrinkles while maintaining facial expressions and emotions. Baby Botox gives patients a choice – effective prevention against the formation of permanent, static wrinkles. It is an excellent means of preventing deep wrinkles or when a subtle correction is needed. At the same time, it fills fine lines and subtly mimics wrinkles.

The effect of this procedure is temporary, and to achieve a long-term impact, it must be repeated as soon as the lines and wrinkles return to their natural state. It can be repeated in 3 months at the earliest. The onset of the effect is within four days and fully developed within 14 days. The procedure is done all year round.

Course of treatment

The procedure is prevalent for its simplicity, speed, and effectiveness. The doctor marks the injection site, applying the substance to the relevant area with a thin needle. The injection is not painful; we can compare it to a pinch.

The effect of the procedure

reduction of the mimic activity of the muscles up to the complete suppression of the formation of wrinkles

Whom is the process intended for?

for all women and men who want to remove and smooth wrinkles and reduce their mimic activity


pregnancy, breastfeeding, inflammation at the injection site, viral disease, herpes

Adverse effects

after the injection, mild tingling and redness may persist for several minutes or a slight bruise, which will disappear within a few days


1x in 3-8 months. With repeated applications, the botulinum toxin effect is extended up to 9-12 months.

