The so-called plasma beam is at the tip of the special pen with which the procedure is performed. This beam passes from the pen’s information to the skin, where it shrinks a tiny one-millimeter point on its surface with heat. Next, it tightens the skin around the issue.
The result will be seen within two weeks in the form of new collagen formation, smooth skin, and skin elasticity without fine wrinkles.
up to 5 years
for skin that needs lifting without a surgical scalpel and in a non-invasive way
pregnancy, breastfeeding, herpes, inflammation in the treated area
the injection sites are slightly red after the treatment, then rattles appear
in the winter season
Dovoľte nám ponúknuť vám to najlepšie zo sveta zdravia, krásy a cestovania za výhodné ceny a
v príjemnom priebehu, na aký nie ste v domácich podmienkach zdravotníctva zvyknutí.
Ukážeme vám, ako riešiť problémy zdravia a krásy efektívne, výhodne, pohodlne
a na vysokej úrovni na pozadí komplexného zážitku.
Let us offer you the best of the world of health, beauty, and travel at favorable prices and
in a pleasant way, which you are not used to in domestic healthcare conditions.
We will show you how to solve health and beauty problems efficiently, conveniently, and conveniently
and at a high level against the background of comprehensive experience.
© 2022, ALADIVA. All rights reserved.
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