A cosmetic defect around the nose is often enlarged coils, which do not have an aesthetic effect and trouble both men and women alike. A suitable way to remove them is IPL laser treatment. The clients are delighted with the treatment process.
Treatment process: the pulsed light acts on the hemoglobin and leads to the closure and destruction of the small blood vessels, which then disintegrate and disappear.
Treatment result: after pulsed light treatment, the veins are temporarily colored brown. The coils will disappear within about a month.
For whom the treatment is suitable: for those who have enlarged coils on the cheeks or nose and want to remove them.
Side effects: redness, slight swelling
The treatment is recommended only in winter.
Repetition: the need for repetition is individual; 4 and 6 treatments are recommended. There should be an interval of 4 weeks between unique treatments.
Dovoľte nám ponúknuť vám to najlepšie zo sveta zdravia, krásy a cestovania za výhodné ceny a
v príjemnom priebehu, na aký nie ste v domácich podmienkach zdravotníctva zvyknutí.
Ukážeme vám, ako riešiť problémy zdravia a krásy efektívne, výhodne, pohodlne
a na vysokej úrovni na pozadí komplexného zážitku.
Let us offer you the best of the world of health, beauty, and travel at favorable prices and
in a pleasant way, which you are not used to in domestic healthcare conditions.
We will show you how to solve health and beauty problems efficiently, conveniently, and conveniently
and at a high level against the background of comprehensive experience.
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