
Brachioplasty is an aesthetic surgery that is applied to the skin of the upper arm, which grows and loosens in parallel with the progression of age and weight loss.

You can strengthen the upper arm muscles in this area without surgery with arm stretching exercises. However, unfortunately, you cannot remove the existing elasticity, fat deposits, and even excess skin.

Brachioplasty is also called Arm fit or bra fit in the medical literature. Brachioplasty contours the upper arm to reduce excess skin between the armpit and elbow, resulting in a more proportional appearance.

In more sophisticated operations, the incision mark remains in the upper part of the arm. Brachioplasty allows the upper arms to look younger and firmer, allowing for increased self-confidence and the ability to wear short sleeves. Everyone knows what an oversized shoulder looks like with overhanging skin that sags under the arm or is wrinkled with age.

How the Brachioplasty procedure is performed

In brachioplasty, excess fat, skin, and subcutaneous tissue inside the arm are removed, and the surgery is completed to restore the natural and youthful appearance of the component as before. Liposculpture methods can sometimes be included as auxiliary methods in Brachioplasty.

The medication is provided for your comfort during the surgical process. Your doctor will make the best choice for you, starting the operation with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The procedure is individual; it depends on how much fat and excess skin is in the arms.

Depending on the surgeon’s preference, the incisions are made on the inside or back of the arm. They are performed only in the area up to the armpit with the elbow. Then, liposuction or various fat transfer methods are applied to remove the fat. Next, arm muscles and fat tissue are reshaped, and the closing phase begins. Arm stretch incisions are usually closed with removable or absorbable stitches.

After Brachioplasty

After Brachioplasty, there will be some swelling and bruising of the arms and mild numbness in these areas, which will subside within about two weeks.

Returning to everyday life after Brachioplasty

We receive very positive feedback on Brachioplasty. The scar recovery process is observed within 5 to 10 days. After two weeks from the operation, the swelling will subside, and the incision lines will fade. In the meantime, the patient can return to everyday life. You should avoid heavy physical sports activities for two months after Brachioplasty. You can protect your rejuvenated appearance with a lifetime of weight control and arm exercises. In addition, a healthy lifestyle contributes to the longevity of the results.

Who is a candidate for Brachioplasty?

Suppose your shoulders are flabby due to excessive weight loss. If the skin is loose and sagging, your shoulders have more fat than is optimal, and are out of proportion to your forearms; you can undergo Brachioplasty.

Would liposuction alone be enough?

It can only be determined by examination. To undergo liposuction alone, you should have loose skin and tissues in the shoulder area. Patients who have experienced dramatic weight loss usually have skin suitable for a brachioplasty incision. You will not benefit from liposuction if you have a particular problem with sagging. It is aimed at the fat problem.

After the procedure

After the operation, the hands will be bandaged for several days. They will then remain in a compression garment that must be worn for two weeks. It will help the skin to tighten. It also helps support scars with massage and creams during the recovery period.

When can I start exercising again?

It takes about 1-2 weeks to maintain daily activities and 4-6 weeks to resume most sports activities.

Who is a suitable candidate for Brachioplasty?

Brachioplasty can be done by anyone who has lost weight, has flabby arms, and has problems with the appearance of the skin.

Painfulness of the procedure

Many patients report that the pain is tolerable. In addition, most patients say they are in good condition a few days after the operation.

What kind of anesthesia is used in Brachoplasty

It is usually performed under general anesthesia in the operating room. In addition, additional local anesthesia is injected into the operation area.

In which place will the procedure be performed?

It will depend on the amount of tissue that should be removed, whether the tissue is near the inside or under the arm. The traditional vertical cut goes under the armpit. If the excess tissue is limited to the upper arm, a short incision with a crescent-shaped incision is made on the arm.