



Beauty and Youth Plan

  1. Forehead
  2. Crow’s feet
  3. eyebrows
  4. Upper lids
  5. Lower eyelids
  6. Eye area
  7. Cheeks
  8. Sledge
  9. Corners of the mouth
  10. Space above the lips
  11. Lips
  12. Chin
  13. Chin
  14. Neck
  15. Cleavage
  16. Hands
  17. Nose / Wrinkle between the eyebrows
  18. The upper area of the mouth
  19. Syslie bags
  20. Ears
  21. Hairline

We have an interesting reward for you. We offer you a comprehensive analysis of your face and/or body by our specialists for the purposes of the Beauty and Youth Plan. You will receive interesting information about where they would recommend improvements, what is the situation of your face and/or body and the potential for beauty and youth, and you will learn about the possible treatments that our experts will consider the most suitable for you. We believe that this information will help you learn more about yourself and the options suitable for you.

We are very glad that you are interested in our offer of a comprehensive analysis in order to prepare a Beauty and Youth Plan for you. We like our work very much and value the favor of our customers. We want to take a comprehensive approach to your potential for beauty and youth. That is why we are happy to hear your ideas and desires in the field of beauty and rejuvenation.

However, we are aware that you do not need to know all the possibilities of Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery, that is why we decided to prepare an analysis prepared by a specialist for each client according to their face or body photo, so that the client has the opportunity to both understand and learn the situation their face and/or body is in, what are its specifics (skin color, skin thickness, types of wrinkles, subcutaneous fat, sagging and loosening of the skin, growths, scars, etc.). and, on the one hand, to hear the opinion of a renowned specialist – his recommendations for improvement in the affected areas of the face.

The Beauty and Youth Plan will help clients familiarize themselves with treatments and consider an enhancement plan on the way to their own beauty and youth potential. We are of the opinion that dealing with only one part of the face or body without looking at the whole does not meet the highest requirements for the quality of the approach to the client’s situation. We are convinced that only by combining the client’s desires and ideas and the expert analysis of specialists, it is possible to design a Beauty and Youth Plan, according to which the client can orientate himself and decide, or schedule improvements for a longer period of time according to his possibilities.

After sending photos of your face from the front and from the profile, our specialists will assess the individual locations of the face and, based on the analysis, make a Beauty and Youth Plan.

If you are interested, please write to the email address or call the number 00421 905 928 302. Thank you!

Gallery - Before and After