Eyelid surgery – Blepharoplasty
Eyes are an essential part of the body. The eye area and eyelids protect them. They move even with a slight facial gesture we make many times daily. If we experience different feelings and emotions, our eyes react with movement. The eyelids that protect them also make incredible millions of exercises a day.
In addition to being so mobile, the eye area also has the most sensitive texture – the thinnest skin and is the most exposed to sunlight. As a result, the eyes, lids, forehead, and under the eyes are the first to show signs of aging.
Eyelid aesthetics, or blepharoplasty, is plastic surgery designed to rejuvenate and reshape the aging upper and lower eyelids. Eyelid aesthetics removes the feeling of swelling under the upper and lower eyelids. Surgery can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. When the upper and lower eyelids are corrected simultaneously, it is manifested as periorbital rejuvenation.

Why is it necessary to pay attention to the eyelids?
The eyes and the eye area are the areas that a person focuses on when looking, talking. We observe this area the most when looking in the mirror during our daily routine. We notice signs of aging around the eyes and feel like we see a tired, age-shrunk face with sagging skin. The eyelids lose their elasticity as if they are shriveling; even when applying make-up, older women find it challenging to apply make-up as they used to.
With age, the eyelids do not hold eye shadow well, and make-up tends to be blurred, accumulated in the folds of wrinkled, delicate skin. Changing the eyelids changes our view, which tends to be less sparkling if they cover our eyes and vision. It also worsens over time due to the obstruction in the picture. Age, human anatomy, gender, particular circumstances, ethnicity, and the size of the eye area differ and have different effects on the development of this situation.
In women, the eyebrows and lids are higher and arched, and the eyelid line is less distinct than in men. In men, the eyebrows are more prominent, and the lid line is closer to the edge of the lids. Racially, the people of Asia and the Far East have entirely different shapes of eyes and eyelids. Specialized surgeons consider all this information to create the correct vision and contour line suitable for each anatomy.
What is recommended to be done when dealing with eyelid aesthetics?
It is necessary to look at the eyelids in their entire context – the anatomy of the face, the position of the eyebrows, the condition and thickness of the skin on the eyelid, the eye area, and its condition. . It is ideal for planning the correction of the eyelids to the situation as a whole of the mentioned parts, not to solve only the problem of the eyelids themselves, but to perform several necessary corrections to achieve the ideal result – a lively and fresh look.
Among the most common eyelids problems are ptosis (falling of the eyelids), crow’s feet, bags and circles under the eyes, and sagging of the area under the eyes and above the cheeks. However, all these problems can be successfully solved and are beneficial for appearance and health. For example, with ptosis of the eyelid, headaches occur when the angle of vision deteriorates by partially covering the pupil.
What happens to the eyelids with age?
The upper and lower eyelids undergo an onslaught by gravity and the pull toward fat deposits on the face; the skin loosens and sags. As a result, the upper eyelids tend to be drawn out and droop, the lower eyelids tend to be swollen, and there are circles under the eyes. All these problems can be solved within the blepharoplasty-eyelid aesthetics framework.
In some patients, even if age is not the primary problem, these eyelid defects can occur for genetic reasons. Therefore, even though they are still middle-aged and young, they may already have eyelids in a state that is beginning to resemble old ones. Eyelid aesthetics can also be performed on young or middle-aged patients to create a relaxed and radiant shape around the eyes.
How does the aesthetics of the eye area take place?
As part of the aesthetics of the eye area, laser technology first affects the sagittal upper eyelid, which overlaps and causes the patient’s visual impairment, and the skin causing the patient’s vision problems is removed. At the same time, a younger and fresher appearance will replace a tired and sullen expression.
Bags under the eyes pull the lower lid down, which causes a problem with a vision from a health point of view and an older and sad expression. Removing bags under the eyes is one of the most challenging and essential operations. As the area is structurally very delicate, any incision will result in a lengthy recovery period, plus redness and bruising. For this reason, it is advisable to use laser technology through micro-inputs from the lower eyelash of the lower eyelid. As a result, patients recover without problems with redness or bruising.
Another problem related to the aesthetics of the eye area is eyebrow ptosis. Eyebrows begin to droop due to both the weight and the pull caused by drooping eyelids, and the forehead loses shape over time. Brow ptosis and wrinkles are prevented by eyebrow shaping.
In addition, Fat Transfer can be applied to the open line, which results in a visual separation of the lower lid from the cheek due to sagging cheeks due to gravity.

After the procedure
After the operation, the patient recovers within 3-4 days and begins to look fresher and more confident with the improved situation around the eyes.
For whom is upper eyelid correction suitable?
Candidates for upper blepharoplasty are individuals with drooping upper eyelids due to excessive upper eyelid involvement. Patients often say they cannot even apply makeup on their upper lids. In extreme cases, peripheral vision loss may be caused by extreme drooping of the eyelids.
For whom is lower eyelid correction suitable?
Candidates for lower eyelid blepharoplasty complain of unwanted bags or swelling along the lower eyelids. In addition, these patients usually point to the appearance of dark shadows or dark circles under the eyes. These abnormalities are usually a result of aging – the accumulation of fat under the eyes, sagging skin, muscle weakness, and the hollow between the lower eyelid and cheek due to aging.
How is the correction of the eyelids approached?
When planning the procedure on the upper and lower eyelid, the patient’s eyelids are carefully marked. At the same time, he is in a standing position. It ensures the natural placement of the eyelids’ skin, muscles, and fat and determines the change’s extent. During upper eyelid blepharoplasty, an incision is made in the upper eyelid’s natural crease. Then, in most cases, the inferior orbicular muscle will be reshaped conservatively by removing a very narrow muscle band or shaping the strength with a bipolar cautery instrument.
The excess fat of the upper eyelid is also thoroughly removed.
On the lower lid, a hidden incision is made along the inner surface of the top. Excess fat is removed using careful surgical technique, and the incision is closed with absorbable sutures.
Another option is to make an incision just below the eyelashes that extend to the natural edge of the skin at the edge of the eye. Excess fat is removed, and the muscle is usually lifted and compressed. Excess skin is removed, and the incision is closed with a very thin suture. The intended result is a narrower, even lower lid.
Patients who have lost excessive fat in the area under the eyes, between the eyelids and cheeks with age will have excellent results with fat transfer combined with lower eyelid aesthetics. This will help harmonize the transition from the lower lid to the cheek.
Important information:
We will be happy to help you and offer a solution to your problem or your dream idea!
Each client is unique and has an individual situation in the field of health or aesthetics (appearance). For this reason, after consulting about his problems and needs, our specialists will propose the most suitable solution – the type of procedure or treatment and the time schedule, in case it is necessary to undergo the procedure or treatment more than once.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact us on phone number 00421 905 928 302, via the contact form or at the email address info@aladiva.sk.