The neck area is one of the initial areas where aging begins to appear, even if the face still looks youthful. We can also observe neck laxity in young people for genetic reasons or because of weight gain and loss. Some main problems of neck lift surgery are loose skin, chin, texture of excess fat, muscle structures, turkey neck deformities, and prominent double chin structure.

Sagging skin gradually extends towards the decollete, which begins to “shrink.”

It needs to be corrected to separate the aesthetics of the neck from the aesthetics of the face. The channel is a continuation of the beginning, and rejuvenation work should be done as a whole, also on the neck, by continuing to the front to achieve uniformity. Suppose these problems in the neck area are also present on the face. In that case, combined surgery will bring much more satisfactory results.

Our clinics offer several approaches to solving the problem:

  • Surgical neck stretching
  • Cobweb aesthetics without surgery
  • Ultherapy
  • Mesotherapy containing hyaluronic acid
  • PRP and other applications