
The term rhinoplasty means “changing the shape of the nose”. The nose is the most expressive part of the face, and its length, shape, size, curvature change the character of our entire face. Plastic surgery originally developed from reconstructive post-traumatic surgery – when once surgeons only saved a broken nose, today they deal exclusively with the aesthetics of the nose. In addition to the function of the nose, problems with breathing through the nose, the procedures can also address the aesthetic function – modifying the nose by enlarging it, reducing it, changing its curvature, narrowing it, etc.

The approach to nose correction should be individual and based on the overall situation of the patient, his facial physiognomy, and age.

Each patient’s facial contour and skin texture are different from each other. If every person had the same type of nose, it would look like a nice nose, but it could be incompatible with the face, it would not be good for it.

An ideal nose should harmonize with the eyes, lips, chin and cheekbones, and the design of the future nose should be designed in accordance with them.

Rhinoplasty brings aesthetic improvements to patients while fully respecting the preservation of the healthy function of the nose. nose. In addition to anatomical features such as skin thickness and facial bone size for those seeking rhinoplasty, functional limitations and long-term nasal function should be considered when planning for a nose job. A plastic surgeon considers the patient’s entire face.

Functionality is always taken into account in complex rhinoplasty. More demanding patients may request such modifications that already conflict with the health aspect. For example, excessive narrowing of the nostrils.

Digital imaging before surgery

The patient can view the new nasal structure created using 3D digital simulation in a 3D visualization of the nose and compare the final result with this image after the operation.

This technology offers patients the image they will get after surgery using digital simulation technology in different versions before nose surgery. In this regard, our patients undergo surgery without any surprises.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is the name given to aesthetic operations performed to reshape the nose. During these operations, the nose may be enlarged or reduced; the angle of the nose with the upper lip can be adjusted; it is possible to change the position of the tip of the nose or correct possible imperfections due to any effects on the nose or natural aesthetic appearance.

This technique primarily involves access to the nasal bone and cartilage support. It is achieved by interventions that cannot be seen inside the nose. Sometimes, an incision is made in the area of skin that separates the nostrils. The underlying bone and cartilage are then reduced, enlarged, or rearranged to form the newly created structure.

For example, if the nose is too large, the surgeon can reduce the size by shaping the cartilage in that area. Likewise, if the bridge of the nose is high and lobed, it can be reduced to achieve a better profile.

Cartilage or soft tissue grafts can be placed to fit the face better if any part of the nose seems disproportionately tiny. The upper part of the nose or the angles associated with the forehead can also be replaced by further shaping the nose support structure.

Depending on the desired result, removing some bone and cartilage or adding tissue (from another part of the body or using a synthetic filler) is possible. After the surgeon arranges and reshapes the bone and cartilage and adjusts the structures of the nose, the final adjustments are made.

A small plastic splint can be applied to the outside of the nose to help minimize swelling and help protect the new shape while the nose heals. A soft, absorbent material can be used in the nose, i.e., bumper, to preserve the softness of the dividing wall, called the partition, during air passage. Soft nasal supports may be placed to allow postoperative nasal breathing. However, it cannot be said that all patients will have the same treatment, as each patient is different. Even slight modifications to the nose can change the overall harmony of the face.

Most patients report little pain after surgery, and mild pain medication can easily control any discomfort.

Who is rhinoplasty suitable for?

For those,

  • who suffer from inadequate or lack of breathing, snoring, sleep apnea, etc.
  • who have aesthetic problems in the nose.
  • who had a health problem or problematic anomaly during adolescence.
  • who suffer from loss of self-esteem due to aesthetic problems.
  • who are not satisfied with their previous nose surgery.

How is rhinoplasty performed?

Simple rhinoplasty: Shaping the tip of the nose

is a technique that is performed under local anesthesia. Rhinoplasty is a surgery used to lift the end of the nose that droops due to gravity or is congenital.

Nose surgery:

It is a classic nose job that targets the arched nasal structure or has lost its shape due to any impact. Therefore, it is essential that the newly designed nose shape is suitable for the overall features of the face and is made within a plan developed according to the specific person.

Secondary rhinoplasty: Revision rhinoplasty

Revision treatment of the nose can also be called secondary rhinoplasty – an operation that is applied to patients who have already undergone nose surgery. Patients who are not satisfied and desire the nose they desire or have difficulty breathing or smelling can undergo secondary rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty can be applied under general or local anesthesia. 1 night accommodation in the center of the facility will be required. This process can be longer or shorter depending on the applied rhinoplasty technique.

Process after nose surgery

According to the interventions performed, the splints and bandages around the nose will be removed within approximately one week. Currently, most rhinoplasty operations are performed without the use of such measures. You may feel that your face is swollen, or observe redness and bruising around the eyes and nose for several days.

To reduce swelling, cold compresses recommended by the doctor can be applied to help reduce swelling and pain. During the first few days after surgery, it may be necessary to keep the head up and relatively stable during sleep. The patient can return to normal life after about a week.

During this period, it is necessary to protect the nose from the harmful rays of the sun and from the effects of external factors. We recommend in the first phase to wear lenses instead of glasses and to be very careful when entering the sea or pool. After rhinoplasty, the new shape of the nose can stabilize within 6 months.

Why undergo rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can change the size, shape and angle of your nose and can make it fit the rest of your face. It can also correct structural problems that lead to chronic obstruction and breathing problems. Rhinoplasty results will vary depending on what type of correction is performed.

It is important that the patient agrees with the plastic surgeon on the purpose of the operation. If expectations are realistic and shared by the plastic surgeon, the desired results are likely to be achieved.

Nose surgery and the latest trends

Every year, many people undergo nose surgery to change their appearance. While some are born with unsightly noses, others are unhappy with the aging of their noses. Some prefer rhinoplasty for injury, nasal collision, and lack of breathing ability.

Since the nose is centrally located, its size and shape greatly influence a person, and this is an undeniable fact. In the aging process, muscle, bone, and fat are also lost. In particular, ptosis at the tip of the nose when smiling causes excellent discomfort in people. However, it is possible to lift the direction of the nose with techniques targeting the end of the nose or temporary treatments such as fillers and Botox.

Undoubtedly, social media, selfies, and mobile phones, which almost everyone has contributed to the observation of one’s nose. Young people, in particular, tend to film their faces in photos according to their noses and their problematic angles. Therefore, rhinoplasty can be classified as one of the rising trends of recent years.

Expectations after surgery

A plastic surgeon monitors the patient after anesthesia until they feel well enough to be discharged after surgery. Most patients do not experience significant pain, but medication may be given to prevent any post-operative problems.

In the first days after the operation, the patient will likely experience restricted breathing through the nose. Edema in the nose is due to the condition due to the procedure. When this condition improves, and the swelling subsides, breathing will increase as the swelling decreases.

As already mentioned, the nose is one of the most apparent features of the face and its function is essential in everyday life. Suppose you are not satisfied with the appearance of your nose or have functional complications that make it difficult for you to breathe. In that case, you can compromise your quality of life and live dissatisfied. Rhinoplasty surgery can correct physiological complications that impair breathing ability. You can also achieve satisfactory results from an aesthetic point of view. Different types of rhinoplasty are intended for all of them.

Functional rhinoplasty

Functional rhinoplasty is an operation that corrects physical anomalies that prevent breathing and are caused by congenital disabilities. They can also repair the effects of physical trauma. Such problems are solved by reshaping and repositioning the cartilages and nasal bones. A plastic surgeon will ensure you can breathe properly and are satisfied with your appearance.

An “open” or “closed” procedure can be applied here. While open rhinoplasty involves surgical wounds on the outside of the nose, closed rhinoplasty involves only intranasal wounds.

Surgeons use a closed technique when possible to avoid visible scarring. However, an open rhinoplasty may be necessary in severe damage cases when the treatment area is problematic.

Types of rhinoplasty operations

When it comes to nose jobs for aesthetic purposes only, the ultimate goal is to improve the nose’s appearance and turn it into an aesthetic part of the face. Different techniques can be used to get the nose you described to your doctor.

When the surgeon evaluates the nose, he observes:

The condition of the upper arch (also known as the bony arch),

middle vault and low case.

The surgeon will consider these findings when designing a rhinoplasty plan.

Types of corrections:

Correction of the upper part of the nose

The upper part of the nose and the lower cartilage can be large or damaged by impact, which disturbs the aesthetics of the face. The surgeon can also heal this area by taking cartilage tissue from another part of the body to the extent that it has a problem, has been affected, and collapsed.

Correction of a bent nose

Suppose the nose is slightly curved or shifted to one side. In that case, the surgeon can correct this problem by reducing some bones or cartilage or physiologically moving the tissues. Like a broken nose that requires a functional rhinoplasty, your surgeon may use a splint to hold the beak in place during recovery.

Aesthetics of the nose type

The nose tip may not be aesthetically pleasing or have the correct curve. The aesthetics of the end of the nose most often means that the direction of the nose turns up or down by modifying the tip of the nose through cartilage reshaping.

Adjustment of the nasolabial angle

If you look at your profile, the nasolabial angle consists of two lines: from the tip of the nose to the area above the upper lips and from the bottom of the upper lip to the nostrils. The curvature of the nose and tip affects the degree of angle. In most cases, surgeons aim to create a nasolabial angle of 90 to 95 degrees in male patients and a rise of 100 to 105 degrees in female patients.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Each person has a unique aesthetic characteristic. Not every member of a particular race shares these characteristics. However, sometimes some choose to undergo plastic surgery to change them. For example, Rhinoplasty is a popular treatment among people with broad noses due to their ethnic characteristics. Many patients of African and Asian descent consider Rhinoplasty to reduce the width of the nostrils.

Changing the shape of the nose

Aesthetic surgery should not change the unique characteristics of an individual. It should instead enhance the patient’s natural beauty. If the patient comes with a picture of the nose that does not suit him, it must first be explained. In this sense, if the patient does not understand the principle of Rhinoplasty, he must trust the surgeon’s experience, experience, and vision. He will find the ideal solution, considering the patient’s wishes and ideas. After many adventures, plastic surgeons know which dream nose will or will not fit in the context of a particular face.

Digital 3D imaging will help the patient communicate with the surgeon.

What are the possible risks of Rhinoplasty?

Nose jobs are generally safe surgical procedures, but as with any surgery, there are potential risks. Our professional rhinoplasty surgeons do everything possible to minimize risks and ensure patient satisfaction.


Nose surgery procedures vary by technique. However, they are usually performed under general anesthesia, and open or closed surgery is performed depending on the current condition of the nose. The operation is completed after functional and aesthetic shaping of the nose.

How long does recovery take?

According to the surgical technique, the surgeon will put a tampon and plaster on your nose for the first week. In the first week after the operation, there may be swelling, slight pain, and redness around the eyes. After a week, the recovery process is accelerating day by day. The rhinoplasty results can often be seen as soon as the swelling in the nose subsides. The final result can take six months.

What are the other options besides rhinoplasty?

Suppose the patient has no problems with breathing or loss of nasal function. In that case, they can have their nose shaped with simple rhinoplasty or filler applications without surgery, remove profile defects and even lift the tip of the nose.

Non-invasive rhinoplasty

Simple aesthetic rhinoplasty is a non-surgical procedure, also known as non-surgical rhinoplasty. Simple rhinoplasty – the most effective non-surgical aesthetic procedure that reshapes the nose in the central part of the face to align with the overall contour.

Why non-invasive rhinoplasty?

For many patients, rhinoplasty is one of the most feared aesthetic procedures. Patients are reluctant because of the possible trauma that can occur in the postoperative period. In addition, due to the long process of convalescence, exclusion of the patient from social life and concerns. Patients’ reservations also include the use of tampons and splints, as they are visible in public.

Many people who have problems with their nose or don’t like their nose for aesthetic reasons put off rhinoplasty because of the possible complications they consider. For this reason, a simple nose job is an application that provides maximum comfort without the use of tampons or plasters.

Who can undergo this rhinoplasty?

Non-invasive rhinoplasty is aimed at lifting the tip of the nose, which has ptosis due to age or birth and is for people who do not want to undergo a radical change.

This type of rhinoplasty, which has many advantages over traditional rhinoplasty, provides the patient maximum comfort during recovery.

Frontal and profile images are required of the patient before the rhinoplasty procedure. These can be sent to our email address. Our specialized doctors will make the necessary suggestions and prepare three alternatives for your nose.

A simple rhinoplasty, if desired, can be performed under local anesthesia, or the patient can be conscious. However, if necessary, different anesthetic techniques can be considered. For example, the tip of the nose will lift, and if the arch has a slight problem, it can be scraped. A simple rhinoplasty can also be performed by combining various aesthetic applications without surgery, such as Spider Web Aesthetics or Fat Transfer.

The face is a whole, and any problem area should be corrected by looking at the whole face. Then, within 15-20 minutes, you can have the nose you’ve dreamed of for years with a simple application.

After a simple rhinoplasty procedure

The patient begins to participate in social life in a short time. With a simple rhinoplasty, effects such as pain, swelling and bruising are almost never present or are observed at a minimal level. The benefits of simple rhinoplasty, which provide the patient with a relatively comfortable recovery, are most apparent during the recovery process.

Advantages of simple rhinoplasty:

  • It is an application without tampons, plasters and scalpels
  • There is no operative wound and the intervention is at the micro level
  • Can be applied under local anesthesia
  • The recovery process is extremely short
  • Engagement in social life continues immediately
  • It’s a simple, risk-free application
  • An alternative for those who are afraid of classic rhinoplasty with a scalpel
  • The planned state of the patient after surgery is designed and displayed in a digital environment
  • The procedure is short, lasting 15 to 20 minutes

What is rhinoplasty without surgery?

Filler application is a highly reliable method used in many areas of health and especially in medical and aesthetic procedures for almost half a century.

Filler applications can solve skin problems with wrinkles and loss of volume and are practical for those suffering from contusions and nasal tip ptosis. In addition, fillings provide a suitable solution for nose surgery. Anyone who complains about ptosis of the nose but does not want radical changes and does not want to risk surgical procedures can use this procedure. It is a highly convenient process, especially with the correction profile.

How is rhinoplasty done without surgery?

When correcting the nose without surgery, where outpatient protocols are used, the goal is to reshape it with filling without radical changes. Anesthesia is not required during the procedure. It is a painless process with no wounds. The applied substance effectively gives the nose a new shape in problematic places. In addition, contour corrections are made by using fillers in the same area.

Is rhinoplasty without surgery permanent?

The duration of the filler application varies depending on the individual, thus depending on the biological process. The application period can be average from 6 months to 2 years. After a few minutes of surgery, the patient will experience an aesthetic nose for up to two years. This provisional application lets the patient decide whether he wants permanent surgery.

Who can have rhinoplasty without surgery?

  • Those who do not want to undergo a radical change
  • Persons with mimic nasal muscles who tend to overwork
  • Persons with ptosis on the tips of the nose
  • Those who want a slightly upright nose
  • Those who complain about their profile
  • Those who do not want to undergo any operations
  • Those who want to perform an exam before nose surgery

Advantages of rhinoplasty without surgery:

  • Since no wound is created, the procedure is painless and has no possible surgical complications.
  • It will help to have a new profile with small actions.
  • It is a practical application that takes an average of 15 minutes.
  • The curvature of the nose is masked or reduced
  • The tip of the nose is raised.
  • Defects as a result of surgical rhinoplasty can be repaired.
  • The back of the nose can be adjusted and made into a flat shape.
  • Images from nose to forehead, nose to lip, and nose to the wing of the nose can be rendered aesthetically.
  • Provides more comfortable breathing.

Important information:

We will be happy to help you and offer a solution to your problem or your dream idea!

Each client is unique and has an individual situation in the field of health or aesthetics (appearance). For this reason, after consulting about his problems and needs, our specialists will propose the most suitable solution – the type of procedure or treatment and the time schedule, in case it is necessary to undergo the procedure or treatment more than once.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us on phone number 00421 905 928 302, via the contact form or at the email address info@aladiva.sk.